
 - Entries from Angela and Carter . . . or at least from Angela and what she thinks Carter might share if he could type.

"Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine." Anthony J. D'Angelo

Note from Angela

I’ve felt like I just can’t get caught up . . . 

This summer daddy designed our entire home solar power system by himself and when it was time to pick up the plans there NO CORRECTIONS NEEDED! Love being married to that SMART guy who isn’t afraid to learn new things and figure out any problem — Carter, you are a lot like your dad!

I must say that I think I love puppy just about as much as you do.  I was really glad that he was in your 4th of July photo!

OH - and how about surfing lessons?!  We rocked it . . . well, you rocked it and I gave it a good try.  :-)  I loved, loved, loved that we did those lessons together!

You started your second year at Warren Walker and all has been going well.  The friends you have made have been awesome and the progress you’ve made academically has been impressive.  There are days when you think you “can’t do it” but those are quickly changed to “just didn’t know how to do it, yet.”  You are getting the hang of it.  Your dad and I LOVE seeing you be a scholar.  You rock.  

Notes From Carter

I played soccer in the fall and did a lot of time as goalie.  My friend Aidan’s mom was our coach.  I keep playing a lot of time on the iPad and my mom and dad tell me it’s too much.  I luck out because they are not very good about setting the timer.  

We love going to Pepe’s Italian Restaurant.  The owner Mr. Ed always lets us make our own pizzas.

Notes & Quotes that Mommy caught

June 19, 2015

While having lunch in London . . . 

C: Mom, I'm full. It might not look like I ate much but that was crazy huge!”

July 8 , 2015

I always love getting a glimpse at what C is thinking!  While driving home from camp...

M: How do you like being a second grader at camp this year?

C: It's good. Do you remember my kindergarten teacher Mrs. Alverez?

M: Sure. Why?

C: Last year on the last day of school she said "When you walk out that door you'll be a first grader." I was so scared. I just wanted to stay in her room and not leave.

Hearing that made me smile and caused my eyes to well up a bit. I often inaccurately identify what might be scary through the eyes of the boy who still has so much growing left to do.

July 8 , 2015  

While waiting in line at a new summer camp . . .

C: Mom, I'm embarrassed.

M: You mean "nervous".

C: I think so.

M: I'm a little nervous too, but I think we are going to figure it out and it's going to be a great week. Do you remember what to do in new situations ? . . . .

One hour later . . . another mom sends me a photo of C with two other friends who are also at the "new" camp this week. All smiles and no nerves.

A Big THANKS is owed to C's team at Social Communication Specialists -- without them a drop off like that would have never been possible. So cool to see C using his tool box and making it work!

August 14 , 2015

After having McKenzie and Dallan all to himself for a week . . . C was missing the cousins after a week of undivided attention.

C: Mom, do you think they miss me like I miss them?

September 6 , 2015

While watching Hook, C recognized an actor.

C: Mom, I know that guy. He comes to Clark Griswald's door with the jelly of the month club.

That boy is a Jones.

September 6 , 2015

C likes to connect and stay connected.

Our neighbor Maria was selling her house and had her photo on the For Sale sign...

C:  Mom, I wish Maria was in the house instead of just her picture in the front yard. I miss her being there.

October 2 , 2015

During a particularly rough morning with some spelling words and a boy who didn't want to practice nor be respectful . . . .

M: Would you ignore Ms. Frans if she tried to help you?

C: No, but Ms. Frans wouldn't cry* or talk in a mean voice!

Humm . . . he might be on to something. Point well taken.

October 15 , 2015

Perhaps one of the sweetest "good nights" ever...

M: Good night C. I love you.

C: Good night. Thanks for having me be born. 

October 19 , 2015

Tonight's bedtime story, Harold and the Purple Crayon

C: Several times throughout the story "Where is his mom?!”

October 23 , 2015

Morning conversation with the thinker we call C (first comment out of his mouth as soon as he woke up this morning)

C: Mom, how did they invent televisions anyway?

M: I'm not really sure. I guess we can look it up.

C: Well you know it's quite an accomplishment. When humans are born we don't even know to ask the question 'who am i?’.

November 16 , 2015

My son is soooo obviously my kid — this weekend, in celebration of soccer being over (meaning no more grass and mud being tracked into the car) I took the car to get detailed.

C got in it later that day and said “Mom, I love your car. It smells like the bed of an angel!” 

Note from Mommy to Carter

We are rockin’ and rollin’ . . . I love hangin’ with you and count 

“There’s no present like the time.”The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel

Note from Angela

Finding time —being happy - having gratitude  how does one do all that?!  I am committed to figurring that out.  I strated by quiting one of my 3 jobs — it was harder to give that up than I thought it would be, but it was really for the best. #findingme

A 100% break from work for 2 weeks was GREAT.  We went to Spain with our friends John and Karen from London.  We really could not have asked for a better vactation.  Lots to see, lots to do and lots of laughs — a winning combonation! 

Notes From Carter

I finished first grade and moved right into camp.  I was frustrated because I thought summer meant that I didn’t have to learn anything!  The first week of Camp felt too much like school!  I was happy to only go for one week and then leave to go on vacation.

I really liked going to Spain.  I like being on the kind of planes that have TVs in the back of each seat.  In Spain I did a scavenger hunt with John and Karen and my mom and dad.  We got to see a lot of cool stuff.  I liked learing about riding the bus and the underground.  

Notes & Quotes that Mommy caught

May 23, 2015

Confessions from a boy who more often than not will rat himself out . . .

C: Mom, sometimes when I am mad at you I think bad words about you in my head.

June 14 , 2015

C: Sometimes it's OK when someone dies. It's just their lifespan and that's all they are going to do in this life. ‪#‎oldsoul‬

Note from Mommy to Carter

Life is back on track!  We are finding a balance and loving the groove!  Having a summer with you has been great.  

The way we talk to our children becomes their inner voice. - Peggy O'Mara

Note from Angela

I am sad to say that this fall, winter and spring were kind of a blur.  I was definietely missing the balance between work and home — way too much work and not enough home.  Overall, C has been great although probably a little neglected.  We’ve loved the new school and it’s been amazing to see all C has leared during first grade.  We’ve made some wonderful new friends and really couldn’t be happier with the opportunity and decisoin to move C to a smaller school.

Notes From Carter

I’ve leared a lot of suff lately.  I know how to play hockey and I had a part in a play at school.  I am taking tennis lessons and still swimming once a week.  I’d like to stop taking swimming lessons but mom says she always gets to pick one lesson for me and she will probably always pick swimmnig.  

My best friend at school is Nicholas.  We have a lot of playdates and he has had a sleep-over at my house a few times and I have styed at his house too.  I really like the idea of sleep-overs but when it comes time to go to sleep I cry and want to go home.  The moms where I am are nice and I do go to sleep.

Notes & Quotes that Mommy caught

January 6, 2015

While transition back to a regular schedule.  C was having a particularly rough day and seemed OVERLY sensitive about EVERYTHING.

M: All I am hearing is your whining!

C: Well that must be an illusion 'cause I am not ONLY whining.

M: I am going to get my phone and record this whining so you can hear it yourself.

C: Well let's be sure we hear you in the video 'cause all we are going to hear is your "mean voice."

Ouch! Seems we both might have been having a tough time getting back into our regular routine. Luckily this Friday is ending on a happy peaceful note.  WHEW!

January 9, 2015

Exclamation from the family room . . .

C: WHAT?! My sock has been on upside down ALL DAY! That's CRAZY!

January 11, 2015

While playing a game. . .

C: I'm going to give you the what-five!

M: The " what-five"?

C: You know! It's worse than the "what-4"

I didn't bother correcting him. I think I am going to use "the what - 4,5 6" etc. when necessary.

January 15, 2015

C is schooling his dad on a video game while they are both in the "same world" but on two different devices.

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C: Now listen to me. Stay close and don't go to places that you have not been to before 'cause you can easily get dead.

A little while later...

C: I am actually pretty proud of you. You are doing a good job.

Throughout the training session...

D: Why do I keep dropping my sword? How do I get out of here? How do I use the rocket boots you gave me?

C: Dad, just stay in the house and keep yourself safe. I'll fight the bad guy 'cause I have more experience.


January 26, 2015

This morning I had just discovered C had a fever (meant no school for him), was trying to juggle some work tech support issues at work, and had a long distance call on the line when C asked for breakfast. I told C I would be with him in a minute. When I got off the call I responded to a couple of emails which were requests for more tech support and then I went into the kitchen. C could see me from where he was sitting.

C: Mom, are you mad?

M: Nope.

C: Are you frustrated? I can see your eyes and hear your voice and you don't seem happy.

M: Maybe a little frustrated.

C: Can you please try to be happy. I really like it when you are happy. I like to see your eyes that way.

M: Yep, I'll see if I can get my attitude turned around.

C: Mom, I think you are tired of me asking so many questions so I am going to stop now.

M: I never mind you asking questions. Right now I just feel kind of bad that I was being cranky and you had to see that.

C: That's OK mom, if you can just TRY to be happy that will be a good start.

ahhh . . . out of the mouths of babes.

January 27, 2015

Late yesterday afternoon from Fever Boy who was home all day and who spent A LOT of time on the iPad . . .

C: Mom, aren’t you happy for me that I got to this level in Terraria?! If I would have been at school I never would have built this hotel!

M: Well, I'm not sure I would say I am “happy for you" - I think there is probably better things you could have done with your time.

C: Don’t judge me!


January 28, 2015

Last night while out to dinner, from the kid who for this past year has done nothing but ask for and long for a brother or sister (continually pointing out families around town, in cars, on TV, comparing himself to his cousins, etc) came up with the following . . .

C: Mom, now I'm actually kind of glad that I don't have one of those brothers or sisters and I am all by myself.

M: Really?

C: Yes, 'cause if I did I might not be at Pieology (pizza restaurant).

M: Why's that? (VERY curious to hear this one)

C: Well, if the brother or sister didn't want to go to Pieology then we'd do something like rock/paper/scissors and I might not win so I'd be having to eat dinner where they wanted to go.

M: You do get to do a lot of choosing.

C: Going places with friends is good too 'cause we can choose together but not have them every day.

M: Sounds like you are coming to terms with the fact that we are not going to have a baby at our house. I'm really happy about that.

Rock/Paper/Scissors . . . LOL!

Februay 16, 2015

I should mention how my idea of sending him to camp at the Humane Society TOTALLY backfired. I thought I was doing such a great thing letting him play with animals all day 'cause he LOVES animlas . . . -- the first thing he says to me when I go to pick him up: "MOM, did you know all of these animals are up for adoption?!" ummmm . . . yes. 

February 28, 2015

PSA from a city kid . . . C's first grade is hatching chickens in their class. The teacher has notified the parents that with permission chicks can go home with students - to keep. I overheard C and his friend discussing the project. . . .

F: My mom said that we can keep one of those chicks because in our neighborhood we are allowed.

C: My mom told me that the chicks will become large chickens and they can't stay in the house.

F: My mom said we might even get a rooster.

C: (with great urgency in his voice) A ROOSTER?! They are too AGGRESSIVE - they need to go straight to a REAL farm!

Where does he get this stuff?!

March 1, 2015

Carter's first time on real roller skates! He lapped me several times.

M: C do you want to go around with me for a couple of time?

C: Do I have to go slow?

M: Yes.

C: No thanks.

March 11, 2015

C: Mom, you know what dead things and things I can't do any more that I miss?

M: (a little hesitant to hear the answer) No, what?

C: Chloe, the cat I knew, and our other cat that died and KinderCare. Maybe you should let me get another pet then I won't be missing so much.

M: Nice try, C. Nice try.

March 16, 2015

Shouting from his room ...

C: Mom, I am really afraid of leprechaun mischief! Can I PLEASE come in by you?

After just 2 minutes -- O U T-- looks like daddy gets C's bed tonight.

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March 26, 2015

Love and Logic success!!

C: Mom, come on! I'll give you a dollar if you'll just give chances.

M: Save your money. When I tell you something I mean it. I don't give chances.

April 19, 2015

Travis and Carter ran to the store while I finished making dinner. When they got back the table was set and candles were burning.

C: Mom, I like the candles. They are a really nice touch. Way to go!

HA! Nice to have his approval.

April 19, 2015

C: What?! That's ours? I wouldn't have believed if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes."

And then he tells his dad..."Dad, you rule! Mom said we could not have that. We are going to have so much fun! The only downside is going to be figuring out who is coming over to use it. But we can just do a lot of play dates.”

May 4, 2015

After school today--

C: Mom, I am really hungry. Let's go to pizza. 🍕 And I mean don't go home first but just go straight there ...PLEASE!

M: Sure. ( means no dishes nor mess for me- sounds great!)

C: Drive fast! I mean don't drive over the speed limit but drive as fast as you can and still follow the law.

This kid is a rule follower and wants others to follow the rules as well. 

May 7, 2015

M: Well, I am headed to the dentist to get a shot in my mouth 😕 and to have some dental work done.

C: Good luck with that. Hope you don't die. 

Note from Mommy to Carter

I am sorry I was so busy for so many weeks.  I am really looking forward to having our schedule back to one where I can be more focused on you and daddy and not so focuses on work.  I love you with all of my heart!

“Be in love with your life, every minute of it.” Jack Kerouac


Note from Angela

This time of year - when the latest birthday has passed I look back and think several thoughts . . . 1) I think about how fortunate I am to be living this life, 2) I think about how fortunate I am to be Carter’s mom and Travis’ wife,  and 3) I think about how fast the time is going and how many  things I want to do before the time Travis and I have with Carter at home is gone.

This last year I have focused on being happy and sharing my happiness with my family — being happy rather than cranky in the mornings while trying to get the family out the door, being happy at bed time and being a little more flexible when daddy has a different idea of C’s bed time, being happy to take on kid activities when I’d rather be doing my own thing.  I think it all went pretty well until I reached the point where I had a huge project at work that has carried on for several months.  It’s time to refocus and find my happy again.

Notes From Carter

I am so happy to be 7 years old.  I really like my new school and I like playing Minecraft.  I can’t wait for Christmas.  I wish Santa could bring me an X Box but mom says that Santa checks with parents and she and dad will not say it’s OK.


My dad and I have been having a lot of fun wrestling.  I also really like riding with him to school.  We always check to see if the tide is up or down.  We like joking around a lot .  I think it makes mom a little crazy when we won’t straighten up and be serious.

Notes & Quotes that Mommy caught

A lot of people say to C: ♪♫All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth!♪♫

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C's response: "You have to be careful what you wish for 'cause if you say "All I want" that might be ALL you will get.”

December 12, 2014


C: Mom, I wrote a letter to Santa and I told him I wanted an Xbox.

M: Shoot! I thought we already talked about the fact that Santa checks with parents before he agrees to bring gifts 'cause kids can't always have what they ask for -- like an Xbox or puppy or kitten.

C: But mom, I thought about it and I think you don't want to spend the money so if you let Santa bring it you can save your money.

M: Ha! You are always thinking! You are correct; an Xbox is expensive. However, on top of that we also already have other electronics in our house so we are not going to get any more. When Santa checks with me, that's what I am going to tell him.

After some looking around . . . .

C: I don't want an Xbox. I want a Nerf Zombie Blaster.

M: Well, if Santa asks me about that you'll have a much better chance of actually receiving that item.

Note from Mommy to Carter

Each year when you sit with Santa I think to myself “Remember this moment, you won’t get it again.”    Your bring smile and compassionate heart are a blessing you share with everyone you meet.  I am very proud of you and love you to the moon and back + whatever you say!

© Angela Jones 2014